
Monday Thoughts 10/12/2020

“The less attached you are, the more peaceful you are.”  ~~Anonymous “Learn the difference between connection and attachment.  Connection gives you power, attachment sucks the life out of you.”  ~~Anonymous “Let go of expectations.  Let go of your attachment to outcomes.”  ~~Anonymous _______________________________________________________________ #3 Happiness is a habit I am

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Monday Thoughts 10/5/2020

“Don’t be afraid of your fears.  They’re not there to scare you.  They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”  ~~C. Joybell C. “Being a positive person doesn’t mean you don’t feel negative emotions.  It means you have faith in your ability to get through tough situations,

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Announcing New Regional Meetings

WFS continues to adapt to support women in recovery in this time of public health concerns related to the pandemic!  We applaud these ground-breaking WFS volunteers who are now facilitating Regional Video meetings.  Please use the email for a specific meeting below to get more details. 1116 – St. Louis,

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Monday Thoughts 9/28/2020

“It’s a beautiful day to be sober.”  ~~Unknown “Recovery is a process.  It takes time.  It takes patience.  It takes everything you’ve got.”  ~~Unknown What is addiction, really?  It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress.  It is a language that tells us about a plight that must

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WFS Summer 2020 Newsletter

Women for Sobriety Summer Update September, 2020 WFS Organizational Update Retirement of WFS Chair Karen H and VP Susie M WFS Board of Directors Changes – from President Karen Hamm “Each one of us has adapted and changed as we relate to the global pandemic.  Our daily routines are altered

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Monday Thoughts 9/21/2020

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” ~~Steve Maraboli “When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.”  ~~Evelyn Waugh “Your journey is completely yours.  It is unique. 

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Monday Thoughts 9/14/2020

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”  Amelia Earhart “Done is better than perfect.” ~~Sheryl Sandberg “Stay afraid, but do it anyway.  What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident, just do it and eventually the confidence will

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Monday Thoughts 9/7/2020

“Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent.”  ~~Marty McGee Bennett “Start today by imagining the life you want in the future and taking one practice step towards it.”  ~~Denise Duffield Thomas “Generosity is a practice.  And as with anything we practice, we get better at it over time.”  ~~Barbara Bonner

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Monday Thoughts 8/31/2020

“She always thought she needed someone to love when all she really needed to do was love the world and let love find her in its time and in its way.”  ~~Kate McGahan “All recovery roads lead to the ability to love and be loved.” ~~Nancy Cross “You don’t get to tell

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WFS Organization Change

Each one of us has adapted and changed as we relate to the global pandemic.  Our daily routines are altered and we live with healthy new practices and guidelines.  Life is different, yet we can still appreciate the many moments that make life great.  While some of us have experienced

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