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WFS Organization Change
Each one of us has adapted and changed as we relate to the global pandemic. Our daily routines are altered and we live with healthy new practices and guidelines. Life is different, yet we can still appreciate the many moments that make life great. While some of us have experienced monumental changes in our daily lives, for others the shift has been less intense. Yet, what each of us has in common is the ability to adapt to the ever-changing pace of life thanks in part to the WFS New Life Program. Putting action into the Statements, we are able to persevere, grow and experience life with clarity and purpose. A favorite acronym and one that I have shared a few times in the past is:
August marks a time of change in Women for Sobriety; my two-year term serving as the WFS Chairwoman has come to an end. It has been an honor to serve our life-saving organization with so many incredible, 4C women from across the globe. You have inspired, you have taught and you have enabled the progression of our beloved organization to grow into where we are today. It is now time to hand over the torch to the next 4C woman, Jean H. Jean brings to the table her BoD experience plus years of dedicated service to the WFS Online Forum. You may recall that Jean was instrumental in planning and producing our first ever WFS Virtual Conference. Jean will be serving as your WFS Chairwoman for the next two years and we are all excited to have her in this new role!
Additionally, our incredible Susie Minervini who has successfully managed the increase in our Face to Face meetings is passing the Vice President torch to another 4C woman, Veena I. Veena brings exceptional experience in BoD service from the nonprofit sector and Veena was also deeply instrumental in bringing our WFS Virtual Conference to life. It is because of the many talented efforts of these two spectacular women that we can move our life-changing organization forward.
As we navigate through some globally unchartered waters, it is because of the dedication of 4C women that Women for Sobriety continues to lead the way for women seeking a New Life. We are bonded together, ready to learn, grow and experience life.
Welcome Jean and Veena!