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Monday Thoughts 6/24/2019
“Recognizing and replacing the unhealthy thoughts, behaviors and feelings that may be sabotaging your best efforts is the key to building mental strength.” ~~Amy Morin
“Everyone is comparing lives on social media and wants the perfect body, perfect image, perfect outfit, perfect life—we’re striving for the perfection, and it’s so unhealthy because there is no such thing as perfection.” ~~Emily Atack
“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.” ~~Eleanor Roosevelt
Statement #13
I am responsible for myself and for my actions.
I am in charge of my mind, my thoughts and my life.
What do you think responsibility looks like? I imagine it looks a lot like courage. Using the definition, “responding with our ability,” responsibility is highly personal and is obviously different for everyone. Therefore, Statement #13 in action is as individual as we are.
While this Statement can appear and feel different for everyone, one similarity is certain; releasing unhealthy dependencies encourages self-acceptance. In our WFS Program booklet it states, “The purpose of the New Life Program is self-acceptance and being responsible for ourselves and all that we do. By accepting responsibility, we can break away from unhealthy dependencies.”
Sobriety and Statement #13 in action fosters independence and healthy relationships. It can feel incredibly uplifting and rewarding to live in responsibility when compared to past dependencies. This opens the door to contentment and strengthens self-worth. You are in charge of your mind, your thoughts and your life!
Hi 4C Women,
Whenever I think of responsibility, I think of freedom – the freedom to make my own choices, to stand on my own, to express my feelings, cry when I need to and to have hope in my heart. The best part of all of these is that I get to share my life with others who are walking the same path, who are working hard in making similar life-changing choices. I experienced this at the WFS Conference, the NJ WFS meeting I attended and, of course, the meetings I lead in AL. I am grateful to be surrounded all these years by women who accept the challenge of change and responsibility. To witness their personal growth in our meetings is a gift of pure joy. It keeps me uplifted and supports my sobriety.
A few years ago, I wrote about freedom and recovery and how I viewed it then. I’d like to share it with you and hope it will get you to think about your own definition of freedom in recovery:
Freedom to be available when needed
Freedom from lies
Freedom to use my time for learning and healing
Freedom to make choices and to own my mistakes
Freedom to know that any mistake I make will not break me but teach me
Freedom to grow spiritually as I choose
Freedom to make my own path with confidence
What freedoms are you experiencing in sobriety/recovery?
Bonded together in accepting responsibility for ourselves and our actions,
a 4C sister