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Monday Thoughts 12.18.23

“You are not responsible for the programming you received in childhood. But as an adult, you are 100% responsible for fixing it.”
“A shoutout to everyone who is trying right now…. Trying to do the right thing. Trying to stay open. Trying to keep going. Trying to hold on. Trying to let go. Trying to find their flow. Trying to stay afloat. Trying to meet each new day. Trying to find their balance. Trying to love themselves. Trying new things and new ways. I see you. I’m there too. We’re in this together.”
S.C. Lourie
“Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them.”
Paramahansa Yogananda
#13 I am responsible for myself and for my actions.
I am in charge of my mind, my thoughts, and my life.
Statement #13 in action is the pinnacle of a New Life and as part of Level Six recovery, it lays the foundation for continuing growth and the prevention of relapse. It is a bridge between where we once were and where we are going. It asks us to respond with our individual abilities.
In our WFS Program booklet, it states, “Sobriety is just the beginning. The WFS New Life Program provides a portal for personal growth. It shows us a new way of thinking.” The Statements are an outline directing us to investigate, adapt, and maintain this new outlook while embarking on our recovery. Before New Life, I could not have visualized what life would be like today and had trouble imagining sobriety. However, the beautiful WFS community and 13 Statements paved the way, embracing who I was and who I was yet to be.
As we draw nearer to the end of the year, we can take time this week to examine the last 12 months. Where did you grow from and how does it compare to this time last year? Give yourself the gift of a block of time to write a letter to yourself to open next December describing your upcoming year in detail; your goals, and dreams and add what you admire about yourself now. You are a resilient, 4C woman!
Dear 4C Women,
Each year, I bring little gift bags to the f2f meeting. I have 3 questions for the women to answer and place in the gift bags to open on whatever holiday they celebrate. Many women say they have kept these gifts to themselves over the years. Just as Karen suggested writing a letter to yourself to open next December, the questions I propose to the women is to reflect on what has happened in the past year and what their self-care plans are for the upcoming year. We give so much to others that I feel it is important to give to ourselves in the form of a present in a tiny gift bag.
Here are the questions:
Blessing(s) received this year
Acknowledgment of positive changes(s) made this past year and challenges I’ve worked through
Self-care plans for 2024
This will be challenging for me yet I can say I have been blessed with tremendous support and love while working through my grief. I am taking a brief break from my f2f meetings which is part of my self-care plans for 2024. One thing I know is that writing has helped me over the years and I plan to keep writing the Monday Thoughts and providing WFS Zoom meetings. I am also hoping that part of my self-care plans will be to see my family whom I haven’t seen in 5 years and also attend the in-person WFS conference in June. Lots to look forward to.
I’m hoping you will consider giving this gift to yourself and recognize the changes and work you have put into your recovery and your New Life.
Bonded in giving ourselves credit for the New Life we are building, Dee

Because of our donors’ generous contributions, we have helped thousands of women find a safe place in their recovery journey. Women for Sobriety is changing the world, one sister at a time! We are grateful you give from your hearts, and your pockets, to support the wonderful women who call WFS their home.
Thank you for believing in us, and in our community!
Sheroes and Heroes Among Us!