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Monday Thoughts 5.29.23
“Forward is not a straight line. It’s much more exciting, complex, difficult, gnarly, and uncharted than that.”
Jeni Britton Bauer
“Wherever you go, leave a heartprint.”
“Don’t shoot for the stars, we already know what’s there. Shoot for the space in between because that’s where the real mystery lies.”
Vera Rubin
#10 All love given returns.
I am learning to know that I am loved.
While Statement #10 may be the shortest of the WFS Program Acceptance Statements, it unpacks an infinite world within those four simple words. Our insightful founder, Jean Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., understood the importance of love in overcoming addiction and dedicated two powerful Statements to instill and enhance love in our New Lives.
As our WFS Program booklet mentions, “Love is multi-faceted. It can be shared in many ways.” It is not solely focused on one category of love. We are unique human beings; no two people are exactly alike and it stands to reason that love will be different for each of us. However, the common denominator is that when love is given, love can return in a multitude of ways.
This Statement has taught me that love is not like ping-pong paddle, it doesn’t bounce back in a straight line from where it was launched. It zig-zags through time and space, oftentimes taking an unfamiliar route. Just because love was given in one direction doesn’t mean it will return via the same path much like when we do random acts of kindness. It changes us on the inside, and we learn that we are worthy of giving and receiving love. Love is the wellspring of New Life!
Dear 4C Women,
Before WFS, I sought love to prove I was lovable and as the song goes, I was looking for love in all the wrong places. I learned it had to start with feeling worthy of receiving love and to love myself for who I was as I worked on becoming my authentic self. Pretending took a toll on me. As long as I was a people pleaser, I realized I was discounting my own needs. WFS empowered me to prioritize my needs in a compassionate way that opened the door to loving, healthy relationships. I also learned that love was not confined to romantic love. As Karen shared, love comes and returns to us in many diverse ways. I am feeling the love of friendships from the wonderful women I have met in WFS. The love and care I have received and continue to receive since my daughter passed is so connected to Statement #10. I see it as a “love line” that has kept me encouraged, loved, and deeply grateful.
When people would say they love me, I sometimes wondered why. What have I done to deserve such love? It took me a while to understand and accept that I was receiving what I was giving. Years past, I would have thought this was boasting yet the best part is that the giving and receiving of love felt so real, and authentic. I wasn’t people pleasing, I was truly caring about the friendships I was making, the women I met in WFS who were open and willing to create their New Life in recovery. It was the beginning of that love line WFS provided me.
“Who” is part of your love line?
What kind of loves are in your love line?
How do you know when love is being returned? Can you describe the feeling you experience?
How do you give love in actions or words?
Bonded in giving love and knowing you are loved in return, Dee
EnJoy the Journey with us – June 9-11th