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Monday Thoughts 6/7/2021
“When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.” ~~Shannon L. Alder
“Just imagine becoming the way you used to be as a very young child, before you understood the meaning of any word, before opinions took over your mind. The real you is loving, joyful and free. The real you is just like a flower, just like the wind, just like the ocean, just like the sun.” ~~Don Miguel Ruiz
“If we can just let go and trust things will work out the way they’re supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.” ~~Goldie Hawn
#11 Enthusiasm is my daily exercise.
I treasure the moments of my New Life.
One of the greatest feelings of freedom today is experiencing life with all its intricacies, simply sober. There is something that feels absolutely refreshing about being present. It runs through the body like a current of childlike wonder, bringing a sense of vibrancy and aliveness. Statement #11 can take us there at any moment we choose.
Alcohol or drugs negated feelings of balance and joy. It hung like a dark cloud and cast doubt and insecurity. It kept the colorful door of life shut and painted everything in varying degrees of gray. Over time, fear and feelings of lack developed and any childlike enthusiasm vanished.
Yet, enthusiasm is brimming wide and expanding… especially this week! Our annual WFS Conference is upon us (our second time virtually due to covid) and each day WFS will have icebreaker activities to jump start the upcoming weekend. It’s time to get your toolkits ready, have schedules in hand and connect with other 4C women! We have a variety of exceptional keynote speakers and breakout sessions. Our theme this year is “I’m Possible” so get ready for connection, fun and loads of enthusiasm!
Click here to sign up and register for this empowering WFS 2021 Conference
Hi 4C Women,
In addition to the phenomenal keynote speakers, there is a plethora of breakout sessions available at the virtual conference. I am overwhelmingly enthusiastic about the opportunities for personal growth! After all these years, I continue to be open to change, learning new ways to cope, to embrace living an enthusiastic life and treasuring the moments. All of this is possible because of the WFS Program. Whenever life throws me a curve ball, of which there have been many, I go back to the Statements and am filled with needed direction and positive ways to help me work through it. What I have learned as well is that when I make mistakes along the decision-making path, I am not a mistake. I am student willing to learn and make different choices. I am also surrounded by supportive women who encourage me, building me up to keep moving forward. That support alone fills me with enthusiasm, reminding me that I am resilient and building a very useful tool box for upcoming issues/concerns.
Years ago, I had zero confidence in my choices, fearful of each mistake, feeling I was incapable of any positive outcome. When I think back to that woman, I am in awe of how the WFS Program transformed me into a 4C woman – an extraordinary change. Of course, that change depended on my willingness to practice the Statements. I have always said that while the program is phenomenal, it’s only words on a piece of paper unless you are willing to put action behind the words.
The conference is an opportunity to learn, to share, to build a magnificent tool box to practice this life-changing program to be the 4C woman you’ve always been. Be ready to blossom with enthusiasm!
Bonded in becoming enthusiastic and treasuring the moments of your New Life, Dee