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Monday Thoughts 3.4.24

“We have to get back to the beauty of just being alive in this present moment.”
Mary McDonnell
“In terms of days and moments lived, you’ll never again be as young as you are right now, so spend this day, the youth of your future, in a way that deflects regret. Invest in yourself. Have some fun. Do something important. Love somebody extra.”
Victoria Moran
“What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.”
#11 Enthusiasm is my daily exercise.
I treasure the moments of my New Life.
One of the most amazing benefits of sobriety and recovery is living life with presence or ‘living in the now.’ Before my New Life, I was constantly looking for something else. Even in the middle of what I considered important; thoughts drifted elsewhere. I was in a constant state of moving the goalposts which left feelings of emptiness and disconnection. Gratefully, Statement #11 in action refocuses and strengthens our relationship with the here and now.
Our WFS Program booklet, states, “Enthusiasm adds fire to life and provides the energy for accomplishment.” When was the last time you felt a sense of enthusiasm? What does it feel like to you? Sometimes enthusiasm can feel like simple contentment or gratitude yet other times it can feel energetic and mobilizing. Right now, there is an undercurrent of enthusiasm within since filling out an adoption application for a rescue!
While enthusiasm can wax and wane depending on a variety of factors, this Statement has offered a sense of playfulness or even childlike curiosity to sobriety. I hadn’t realized how serious and isolated my life was with alcohol. The WFS Statements, and especially Statement #11 lay a foundation to embrace presence and savor the moments of our New Lives. What will you savor today?
Dear 4C Women,
I had to laugh when Karen asked when was the last time you felt enthusiastic as I was taking down all my snowman decorations. It was a lot more fun putting them out than taking them down. Of course, the bunnies are next to put out. Even my tree is decorated with bunnies and anything Spring. Two of my greatest joys are decorating and writing Monday Thoughts. So, I’m expecting enthusiasm to show up when all those adorable bunnies are displayed throughout my house.
I learned a valuable lesson during our ice storm in AL. After a week of being stuck in the house, I realized that enthusiasm could be as simple as going to the grocery store, interacting with people, and feeling I was making a difference through volunteering. I was so enthusiastic to get back to my ordinary life. Sometimes It takes an unexpected moment or event to highlight what enthusiasm feels like. There’s also the question of balance. I’ve read that enthusiasm is the great balancer. If you find yourself bogged down with an overload of tasks or responsibilities, the balancer may be teaching you to say no to avoid unnecessary energy drains and find something to do that you enjoy even for a few minutes a day.
Over the years, I have asked these “sensory” questions. I love them because they are a clue as to how to incorporate enthusiasm, joy, and moments of fun into your life.
I love the taste of:
I love the sight of:
I love the feel of:
I love the sound of:
Right now, I am feeling enthusiastic thinking of the sound of birds chirping, especially as Spring is approaching. So please excuse me while I go out on my porch and take in the sounds. After that, I might cuddle up with a warm blanket and a dish of coffee ice cream.
Remember to put joy into your life so you can experience those enthusiastic, treasured moments, Dee
Dear Women for Sobriety community,
As the Executive Director of Women for Sobriety, I am thrilled to announce that registration for our upcoming conference is now open! This event promises to be a remarkable gathering of women, filled with engaging speakers, informative workshops, and fun activities.
The conference is a unique opportunity for you to invest in your recovery process. We have crafted it with the intention of providing you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in your sobriety journey, regardless of whether you’ve been in recovery for 20 years or 20 minutes. One of the most powerful aspects of the conference is the connection you will make with other like-minded women. These connections are not only empowering and inspiring, but also critical to sustaining long-term recovery.
I truly believe that the community we build together is the cornerstone of our strength and success in recovery. This conference is a testament to that community, and I am excited to witness the collective growth and resilience that will undoubtedly emerge from it. I encourage you to take this opportunity to invest in your recovery, to learn, to grow, and to connect with others.
Register today and join us for this transformative experience taking place at DeSales University in Center Valley, PA., June 21 – 23. This is your time!
Thank you for being a part of our vibrant, strong, and supportive community. I look forward to seeing you at the conference.
With gratitude,
Dr. Michelle Shaivitz
Executive Director
Women for Sobriety