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Monday Thoughts 5.30.22
“You always gain by giving love.”
Reese Witherspoon
“Your self-worth grows when you fight for something you love.
Maxime Legacé
“Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.”
Maya Angelou
One of the greatest moments in life was walking away from something that was painful to me. Though inundated with fear, I also felt something akin to exhilaration; freedom that I had not known before. Although I could not understand it at that moment nor feel it………what I was doing was an act of pure love. It was Statement #10 in action.
In our WFS Program booklet, there is a wonderful quote from Nancy Cross, who foresaw the need for an online forum and made sure WFS would always be there. It states, “All recovery roads lead to the ability to love and be loved.” So insightful and empowering. Nancy’s insight and awareness of the need for women to connect online adds to her legacy daily.
When you attend a face-to-face meeting or online meeting/chat, write or respond to a forum post and/or donate your time, talent, or finances, you are practicing a form of Statement #10. As 4C women, we are capable of giving and receiving love. This week, note all the ways love touches your New Life.
Hi 4C Women,
These past several weeks, I have felt love so deeply from the WFS sisters who attend my zoom and face-to-face meetings along with those who have reached out to me, needing support and giving support. I often wonder how different my life would be if I had not found WFS so many years ago. I find it difficult at times to express the pure joy I feel at the friendships I have formed, the love I experienced at the WFS conferences presenting workshops with Nina, dancing with abandon in a large circle at one of the WFS conferences, facilitating meetings and having lunch with a dear friend to celebrate a special occasion. I can say those moments, those memories, I feel that I am giving love and feeling loved.
I find it easier to give love and yet have come to understand that receiving and accepting love is important to my emotional well-being. I still have those moments when I find it difficult to believe that I am loved. It is at those moments that I stop, take a deep breath, and let the love into my heart. My fear of showing my vulnerability, to be authentic and perhaps to be rejected, no longer holds me hostage. While I felt unlovable for so long, to say Statement #10 out loud brings a smile across my face and the acceptance is palpable. Plus, I have learned that giving love and being loved are not confined to romantic love. That was a huge revelation. I have loving friendships, love of my dog, family love, love of decorating, writing, and showing compassion for myself and others. Through Statement #10, I have discovered that there is so much to love in this world. I read that if you want to be loved, start loving others who need your love. I feel that WFS has taught me that, to see others with caring and compassion, to listen, to support and encourage their path in recovery, and to acknowledge their fearlessness and willingness to survive and thrive. That is how we see them authentically, without any judgment, and for them to see us in the same way.
Do you believe love changes you? If so, in what way?
What’s one thing about love that scares you? How are you working to change or lessen that feeling/fear?
Define love in 5 words.
What is the most vulnerable way you let someone into your life?
Who do you love and who loves you?
Who do you have trouble loving and why?
What do you love doing that brings loving feelings into your life and endless smiles?
How do you know that you are loved?
Bonded in love given and returning, Dee
We’ve got some great keynote speakers and workshops lined up for the 2022 WFS Conference! You can find more information about conference presenters at