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How Do You Get It?
I’m struck by the fact that many women out there want to ‘get it’ but don’t know how. The elusive ‘getting it’ – What the heck is ‘it’? You know, I know, she knows, we all know what ‘it’ is! The ‘it’ is a struggle-free sobriety, ‘it’ is staying sober, and I’ll go as far as to say that ‘it’ is also recovery.
You are going to change your life! Your old way of life isn’t working for you, so here’s how you can change it. It goes without saying that you must stop poisoning your system. Get rid of all the alcohol you have ~ dump it, flush it, don’t buy anymore of it… just get rid of it. Here’s an easy three-step plan on what you’ve got to do when you’re wanting to drink/use: 1. make a plan, 2. make a plan, 3. make a plan.
Ok, so what do you do? This getting it can be a hard thing to attain, I know. Getting it takes determination and work – that is all up to you! I can’t tell you exactly what your plan will be; your plan will be as unique as you are. And yes, YOU are a unique, special person. As we at Women for Sobriety (WFS) like to say – you are 4C – capable, competent, caring and compassionate. You’re changing your life, remember? And you’re going to start looking at yourself in a new way, a way that will let you lead a ‘New Life’ – one without having to drink/use to get through it.
Part of your plan might include asking a professional for help. Part of your plan might be using the WFS online forum–a lot. Part of your plan might be attending some sort of support meeting locally. Part of your plan might be going to work without any money/credit cards in your pocket/purse so that you can’t buy anything to poison yourself on the way home. Part of your plan might be figuring out a new routine to your day – maybe you’ll take a different route home; maybe you’ll do something else to relax at the end of the day. Your plan needs to be rock solid and air tight! There are so many great plan ideas on the WFS Online site. Check them out!
Let me also recommend that if you don’t have any WFS literature that you go about getting some, and while you wait for your order – go to the WFS website and read some of the great resources there. Read other information about addiction to learn what you’re doing to your body.
You need to take some time EVERY day (most people use quiet time in the morning) and reflect on the WFS Acceptance Statements, or concentrate on just one. Think about how that particular statement(s) applies to your life. Try thinking about your life with this slant on it, the New Life slant. Remember, your old life is not working for you. You’re NOT going to get through life anymore by drinking.
Jean Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. is the founder of WFS and she authored several books and booklets. My all-time favorite is The Program Booklet. That little booklet costs just $5 and spells out how this New Life Program works – You may order it here!
I also highly recommend Goodbye Hangovers, Hello Life and Turnabout. If you feel you can’t afford them right now, go to your library and get them that way. If your library doesn’t have the books, get them through an inter-library loan – this is what I did initially, in a town of 535 people!
Are your eyes glazing over because you’ve read this before? Reading what Jean Kirkpatrick wrote is KEY to ‘getting’ this program. So are you going to pull out your excuse book and tell me why you can’t get anything on WFS to read? Get a grip, put the excuse book away, and start reading. Start changing your life today. You change by NOT drinking/using and by changing how you think and approach life. You CAN do this! The support you will receive from WFS participants is immeasurable, it is comforting and I am always awed at how amazing the women are. The WFS website and the new online site is full of great information. But YOU are the one who has to do the work of getting sober.
I ‘got it’ that I can’t drink/use anymore. My old way of life wasn’t working. I use the WFS New Life Program every day, because it helps me grow and thrive – emotionally and spiritually. It affirms that I am a 4C woman, and then some!
Statement 8. The fundamental object of life is emotional and spiritual growth.
Daily I put my life into a proper order, knowing which are the priorities.
Wishing you all the very best success in getting it. Believe you can do it!
Sue Kapacinskas
Certified WFS Moderator
Champaign, IL