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Monday Thoughts 6.10.24

“Self-respect, self-worth, and self-love, all start with self. Stop looking outside of yourself for value.”
Rob Liano
“When one gives, two get happy.”
Amit Kalantri
“Be the person who still tries. After failure, after frustration, after disappointment, after exhaustion, after heartache, be the person who musters up the courage to believe that a new attempt can manifest itself a new outcome.”
Michell C. Clark
#12 I am a competent woman, and I have much to give life.
This is what I am, and I shall know it always.
Putting practice into Statement #12 continues to empower and strengthen every aspect of my New Life. Before sobriety and recovery, I was unaware of how alcohol had chipped away and seriously damaged parts of my life. Relationships suffered along with my health when alcohol ruled each day. It had happened so effortlessly, even subtly, that I felt genuine surprise at how deep my denial had become. Gratefully I embraced WFS and the 13 Acceptance Statements. It felt comfortable and caring, yet most of all, it felt welcoming.
As part of Level Three Recovery paired with Statement #5, we begin creating and practicing a new view of self with action into Statement #12. Feeling overwhelmed, I had to break everything down into manageable moments. It took repeated efforts to change the harmful thoughts I had to thoughts that felt encouraging and/or empowering. One of the easiest ways to practice this Statement was to simply affirm “I am a competent woman” either by regularly writing it or saying it silently/aloud.
This tactic helped whenever I felt anxious or fearful of trying something new or different. It became a personal mantra; it comforted me while actively changing unhealthy brain circuits into healing pathways. It was like veering onto a path of safety while avoiding that worn-out path of self-sabotage. In our New Life Program booklet, it asks “Can you identify your strengths? Are you aware of moments throughout your life when you were competent?” Take time to ponder each question and know you are a competent woman!
Dear 4C Women,
It took a long time to believe I was a competent woman. There were so many times in my life that I was given the message that I was not competent and sadly I believed every message whether it was a teacher, boss, or unhealthy relationship. By the time I found WFS, I knew it would take a lot of hard work to turn around the negative image I had of myself. Even saying it at the WFS meeting was challenging. The one person who turned it around was Jean Kirkpatrick. I invited her to speak at the YW and her words resonated with me. I am so grateful that she chose to write a program of empowerment for women searching for a positive way, life-changing way to become a 4C woman.
Karen’s question about being aware of moments throughout our lives when we were competent made me reflect that I probably was all along yet I bought into other people’s false description of me and I’m not sure if I would be the competent woman I know I am if it wasn’t for WFS.
What do you tell yourself on a daily basis?
Write down three positive and powerful words about yourself.
How do your thoughts and belief in yourself advance and protect your well-being?
Remember that no matter where you begin this recovery journey, no matter your age, or your history, it’s what you are willing to do to be that 4C woman that’s been there all along.
Bonded in knowing you are a competent woman and have much to give life, Dee

Exciting Times Ahead: Women for Sobriety Conference!
Dear Women for Sobriety Community,
I hope this message finds you well and thriving on your journey to recovery. With less than two weeks to go until our conference, I can barely contain my excitement! The thrill and anticipation are truly building. I can’t wait to see all our planning and preparations come to life, and most importantly, to have the opportunity to meet each and every one of you in person.
I want to take a moment to encourage you to check out the conference agenda on our event website. The program is packed with inspiring speakers, informative workshops, dance parties, drum circles, massage appointments, and meaningful networking opportunities. I promise you, it’s going to be a fun-filled and transformative weekend!
This conference is more than just an event – it’s an exciting time where we, as like-minded women, can share our experiences, strength, and hope. We are all on a similar path to recovery, and there is something incredibly empowering about coming together to support and inspire each other.
In response to your inquiries, I am happy to announce that I will be hosting a meet and greet on Saturday at 5:00 pm-6:00 pm in the Heritage room. During this time, I will be answering questions, getting to know our community, and signing copies of my book, Broken is a Gift. I am absolutely honored to do this for anyone who wishes to stop by. Please note, that there will be a limited number of books available for purchase at the conference. If you’d like, you can bring your own copy by ordering it ahead of time on Amazon.
This particular conference holds a special place in my heart. Not only because I get to be in the company of such brave, resilient women like yourselves, but also because this weekend marks my 12th year of sobriety. I am thrilled to be celebrating this milestone with all of you!
Best regards,
Michelle Shaivitz, Ed.D.
Executive Director, Women for Sobriety