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Apply to Lead Informal Conference Activities
Women for Sobriety, Inc., is seeking volunteers to lead informal activities at our 2022 Annual Weekend Conference. The conference will be held at the Portland State University campus in Portland, OR from June 24 to June 26, 2022, with early arrivals and pre-conference activities starting on Thursday, June 23, 2022.
Please review our 2019 conference page at for an idea of the types of activities we had available at our last in-person event. Informal Activities should enhance the conference and complement the formal keynotes, general sessions, and workshops.
*Thursday and Friday icebreakers should be fun opportunities to give early arrivals an opportunity to build connections.
*Morning activities should help get early risers ready for a day of learning and engagement.
*Evening activities should help night owls wind down from the stimulation of the day and prepare for a rejuvenating, restful sleep.
This year’s theme is Bloom! This relates to WFS Level of Recovery 6: Recognizing life’s priorities: emotional and spiritual growth, self-responsibility. This level includes Acceptance Statements 8 and 13. (#8 The fundamental object of life is emotional and spiritual growth. Daily I put my life into a proper order, knowing which are the priorities. # 13 I am responsible for myself and for my actions. I am in charge of my mind, my thoughts, and my life.)
Informal Activity leaders should be women using the New Life Program for their personal recovery who are already planning to attend the event. If you are a current Certified Facilitator and wish to lead a WFS meeting at the event, please email [email protected]. Call 215-536-8026 or email [email protected] with questions.
Apply here: