Request Outreach Supplies

Outreach Supplies Request

  • Thank you for your interest in helping WFS get the word out about our life-saving program! These materials are provided free of charge to anyone who wants to help with outreach for the New Life Program. Please keep in mind that WFS is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity and these items have been purchased with donated funds. We appreciate your consideration in ordering only what you can use for outreach in the near future; we are happy to send you more after you run out. Donations to help offset costs are always appreciated. WFS reserves the right to refuse requests for any reason.

    Certified Facilitators: To request supplies for your official WFS meeting, please use this form instead.

  • Very briefly, please tell us how you will use these outreach materials (“for referrals,” “to advertise our local group,” etc.). If you are tabling at an event or doing a similar outreach activity, please share the name and date of the event and how many people total are expected to attend.

  • Shipping Address:
  • No P.O. Boxes, please.

  • These posters are a new addition to our outreach materials to share WFS with the community.

  • I consent to having this information stored in WFS databases for the purposes of evaluating and fulfilling my request for outreach supplies. Privacy Policy
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.