Monday Thoughts 9.23.24

“You can either spend your time stepping toward the life you want or standing still in a life you don’t.  It’s your choice.” –Annette White “Do not be afraid to outgrow people.  Do not be afraid to outgrow places, outdated paradigms, and seasons of life.  But most importantly do not be afraid

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Monday Thoughts 9.17.24

“The beginning is the half of every action.”  –Greek proverb “It’s a beautiful thing to embrace lifelong growth, but DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP if there are some things you can’t seem to change no matter how hard you try.  Maybe they’re not things to change after all but rather things

Read MoreMonday Thoughts 9.17.24

Monday Thoughts 9.9.24

“You did the best you could with the knowledge you had in that moment.  It’s easier to look back at an event and see a better choice or pathway because we already learned from our experience.  Hindsight happens after the lesson, so we can’t condemn ourselves for not knowing the

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Monday Thoughts 9.2.24

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  –Mary Oliver “When you feel awe, the default mode network in your brain is deactivated…It’s the opposite of ‘fight or flight’ physiology.”  –Dacher Keltner ““Without awe life becomes routine…try to be surprised by something

Read MoreMonday Thoughts 9.2.24

Monday Thoughts 8.26.24

“When one has once fully entered the realm of love, the world – no matter how imperfect–becomes rich and beautiful, it consists solely of opportunities for love.”Søren Kierkegaard “If you go deeper and deeper into your own heart, you’ll be living in a world with less fear, isolation and loneliness.”Sharon

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Monday Thoughts 8.19.24

“Move toward the next thing, not away from the last thing.”James Clear “You healed your wounds instead of spreading the pain. That’s strength.”Case Kenny “Trying to hold people accountable who do not want to be accountable can sometimes be more damaging and re-wounding for you.”Vienna Pharaon #9 The past is

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Monday Thoughts 8.12.24

“When we avoid difficult conversations, we trade short term discomfort for long term dysfunction.”Peter Bromberg “Please never forget how brave it is to continue to show up in a story that looks so different than what you thought it’d be.”Liz Newman “My idea of success is feeling safe in my

Read MoreMonday Thoughts 8.12.24

Monday Thoughts 8.5.24

“All love begins with the love within.”Vironika Tugaleva “Show up for yourself the same way you show up for others. Give yourself the gift of your own time and energy. You deserve it.”Unknown “I was always somebody else’s somebody. I never knew myself.”A very 4C woman at our 2024 WFS

Read MoreMonday Thoughts 8.5.24

Monday Thoughts 7.29.24

“Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed at how much more life she had time for.” Unknown “When you decide to go somewhere, be prepared to encounter life, be ready to experience the unexpected, and be open to embracing the new possibilities. Life is truly amazing if you

Read MoreMonday Thoughts 7.29.24

Monday Thoughts 7.22.24

“Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?” Winnie the Pooh “I’m so optimistic, I’d go after Moby Dick in a rowboat and take the tartar sauce with me.” Zig Ziglar “By watching the mind, we are developing a quality of attention that is generous and full.

Read MoreMonday Thoughts 7.22.24